Understanding Spider Veins and Angiomas: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options


As we strive for health and aesthetics, we sometimes encounter non-threatening yet potentially distressing conditions such as spider veins and angiomas. These vascular irregularities, though harmless, warrant an understanding of their origins, symptoms, and potential therapeutic avenues. This guide offers a concise overview of these vascular conditions and the solutions available for managing them.

Understanding Spider Veins

Spider veins, known medically as telangiectasias, are small, dilated blood vessels that appear red or blue and are visible on the skin’s surface or mucous membranes. These veins are named for their resemblance to the web of a spider, exhibiting a pattern of thin, branching lines. While they can develop anywhere on the body, they’re most commonly found on the face and legs.

These veins are not usually a health threat, but their formation can be a cosmetic concern for some individuals. Rarely, they may cause discomfort such as aching, burning, or itching.

The causes of spider veins are varied, with factors such as age, heredity, hormonal changes, sun exposure, and lifestyle habits like prolonged periods of standing or sitting all contributing to their development. Also, pregnancy can lead to the formation of spider veins due to increased blood volume and hormonal changes.

Understanding Angiomas

Angiomas are benign growths when blood vessels accumulate under the skin’s surface. They are generally harmless and don’t typically signal any underlying severe conditions. There are several types of angiomas, but one of the most common types is the cherry angioma, named for its distinct red or cherry-like color.

Cherry angiomas, also known as Campbell de Morgan spots or senile angiomas, typically appear as small, bright red spots that can occur anywhere on the body, though they are most frequently found on the torso. They can vary in size and may be flat or slightly raised, often looking like a small red mole. The growths are composed of clusters of capillaries, the smallest type of blood vessel.

The specific cause of cherry angiomas is unknown, but various factors are thought to have a role in their development. These factors include age (more common in adults over 30 and tend to increase with age), genetics, pregnancy, certain medical conditions, and exposure to certain environmental factors or chemicals.

Comparison between Spider Veins and Angiomas

Spider veins and angiomas are both vascular conditions that manifest as visible changes to the skin, but they have distinct characteristics and differences. Here’s a comparison of the two:

Nature of Condition:

  • Spider veins are actually small, dilated blood vessels visible on the surface of the skin. They appear as red or blue web-like networks, resembling a spider’s web.
  • Angiomas are benign growths resulting from blood vessel accumulation under the skin. They often present as bright red, mole-like spots.


  • Spider veins tend to appear as thin, branching lines that can be red, blue, or purple.
  • Angiomas, specifically cherry angiomas, appear as small, bright red spots that may be flat or slightly raised.


  • Spider veins can appear anywhere, but they are most frequent on the legs and face.
  • Angiomas can also appear anywhere on the body but are most frequently found on the torso.


  • Spider veins are usually painless, but in some cases, they might cause aching, burning, or itching.
  • Angiomas are typically symptomless but can occasionally bleed if scratched or bumped.


  • The formation of spider veins can be influenced by factors such as age, heredity, hormonal changes, and lifestyle factors like prolonged periods of standing or sitting.
  • The exact causes of angiomas are not definitively known, but they are often linked to age, genetics, pregnancy, certain medical conditions, and exposure to certain environmental factors or chemicals.


  • Treatment for both spider veins and angiomas is often pursued for cosmetic reasons or if they cause discomfort and can include options like sclerotherapy, laser therapy, and surgical removal.

Despite their differences, both conditions are generally harmless. Any changes in their appearance, however, should prompt a medical examination to rule out other potential skin disorders. Always consult a healthcare professional for advice tailored to individual circumstances.

Treatment Options for Spider Veins

Treating spider veins often involves removing or closing the affected veins, and the procedures are typically minimally invasive. Here are some of the most common treatment options:

  • Sclerotherapy: This is the most common treatment for spider veins. In this procedure, a doctor injects a solution directly into the affected veins, irritating the blood vessels’ lining, causing them to collapse and stick together. The blood vessels eventually transform into scar tissue and disappear, usually within a few weeks.
  • Laser Therapy: This non-invasive treatment involves directing strong bursts of light onto the spider veins, making them slowly fade and disappear. No incisions or needles are used. Laser therapy is more effective for smaller veins, and more than one session may be necessary.
  • Endovenous Laser Therapy (EVLT): In this procedure, a doctor uses a small laser fiber that emits heat to collapse and seal off the spider veins. EVLT is performed under local anesthesia and typically takes less than an hour.
  • Radiofrequency Occlusion (RFO): This procedure involves inserting a small catheter into the vein. The catheter applies radiofrequency energy to the vein wall, causing it to heat up, collapse, and seal shut.
  • Vein Surgery: In more severe cases, surgical techniques may be used to remove spider veins. This is typically an option when other treatments have been ineffective or if the veins are very large.

Treatment Options for Angiomas

Treating angiomas often involves removing the lesion or reducing its appearance. Some of the most common treatment options include:

  • Electrocautery: This treatment uses electricity to heat the angioma, causing it to clot and eventually disappear. It’s done under local anesthesia, and while it’s effective, it can cause slight scarring.
  • Laser Therapy: This is a common treatment for both spider angiomas and cherry angiomas. A pulse dye laser is often used for spider angiomas, while an Nd: YAG laser or an intense pulsed light (IPL) device may be used for cherry angiomas. Laser therapy is non-invasive and usually effective, although multiple sessions might be needed.
  • Cryotherapy: This treatment involves freezing the angioma with liquid nitrogen, causing it to dry up and fall off. It’s a quick, relatively painless procedure, but there may be slight discoloration at the site of the angioma afterward.
  • Shave Excision: For larger angiomas, a shave excision may be performed. This involves using a small surgical blade to remove the angioma. Local anesthesia is typically used, and a small scar may be left after the procedure.
  • Pulsed Dye Laser (PDL): This treatment employs a concentrated beam of light to target and eliminate the blood vessels that comprise the angioma while causing no damage to the surrounding skin. It’s particularly effective for flat angiomas.

Prevention and Management

While spider veins and angiomas cannot always be prevented, especially if you have a genetic predisposition, certain lifestyle changes and habits can be implemented to minimize the risk and manage the conditions:

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Being overweight and obese increase pressure on veins, which can contribute to developing spider veins. A balanced diet and regular exercise can help you keep a healthy weight and improve circulation.
  • Regular Exercise: Regular exercise encourages better blood circulation in the legs, which can help push along the blood pooled in the veins. It can also help lower your blood pressure, another contributing factor to spider veins.
  • Avoid Prolonged Sitting or Standing: Long durations of sitting or standing can strain the veins, causing them to work harder to deliver blood to your heart. This may result in blood pooling in the legs and the formation of spider veins. If your job involves standing or sitting for long periods, try shifting your weight from one leg to another every few minutes or take short walks during breaks.
  • Protect Your Skin: Protecting the skin from the sun can benefit both spider veins and angiomas. Wear sunblock, particularly on your face, to help prevent spider veins from forming. While it’s not confirmed if sun exposure causes angiomas, it can lead to other skin damage.
  • Regular Check-ups: Regular check-ups allow for early detection and treatment of these vascular conditions. This can prevent complications and improve cosmetic appearance.

While these measures may help prevent and manage spider veins and angiomas, getting personalized advice and treatment choices from a healthcare expert is always recommended. 

The Bottom Line

While spider veins and angiomas are harmless, their appearance can be a cosmetic concern for many. At B Beautiful Med Spa, we proudly offer the highly effective Long-Pulsed YAG Laser treatment, renowned for treating vascular conditions like spider veins and angiomas. Experience a transformative journey towards clearer skin by choosing our cutting-edge treatments, designed to safely and effectively restore your skin’s natural beauty.


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