Dermal Fillers Test

Dermal Fillers Test

As you age, you will experience sagging, loss of suppleness, and premature aging as your skin structure deteriorates. Dermal fillers can reduce wrinkles and fine lines caused by aging, especially exposure to the sun or muscle movement. We offer dermal fillers at B Beautiful Med Spa to help you regain volume and tone your skin. The use of dermal fillers helps maintain the volume and fullness of your face, thus sculpting your features, lifting your brows, and contouring your jaw. Filters can be used to smooth fine lines, wrinkles, and creases, reduce dark circles under the eyes and rejuvenate the lips. The results can be long-lasting.
B Beautiful Med Spa utilizes the most advanced techniques and technologies to ensure that your treatments are effective and safe. Let us help reduce lines and wrinkles of the forehead caused by laughter, frowning, or aging. Dermal fillers are just one of the many treatments that B Beautiful Med Spa offers, so call us today at (949) 600-8280 to learn more about our services.
We look forward to meeting you soon!

Treatment Areas

Cheek/Midface Augmentation



Filler adds volume and contour to the face. Can reduce Nasolabial folds (laugh lines) with this treatment. One to three syringes are typically used but may vary depending on the client’s needs.

Cheek & Under Eye Augmentation



The most popular treatment we offer! The use of dermal fillers can reduce the appearance of tired, sunken eyes. A combination of cheek and under-eye fillers can restore youthfulness and radiance to the mid-face area, restoring volume loss. A cannula is used to inject dermal filler deep under the muscle in the tear trough area for a more effective and safer procedure.

Under Eye/Tear Trough Augmentation



Sleeping eight hours but still looking tired? With an Under Eye / Tear Trough Augmentation, fillers are used to fill in hollows under the eyes. In many cases, under-eye hollowing is related to aging or genetics. This results in a more awake and refreshed look. To create a natural-looking result, cheek filler (midface) is often necessary as well.

Lip Augmentation (Volumizing)



Regardless of what you want for your lips, we are confident that we can help you reach your goals. We will determine the most appropriate filler based on your goals. Before the procedure, we will apply a numbing cream. 

Lip Hydrate/Anti-Aging Augmentation



The purpose of filler is to hydrate the lips and soften vertical lines around the mouth. Our lips tend to lose some volume as we age, giving us an aged appearance. With this treatment, your lips will regain their youthful, structured shape.

Chin Augmentation



The aging process causes us to lose bones and soft tissues in our lower faces. Dermal filler can enhance and counteract the signs of aging on the chin, improve the face’s profile, and give it shape. This procedure is effective for treating cleft chins and smoothing out the appearance of the chin. Between one and four syringes of the product are usually used.

Jawline Augmentation



A sculpted jawline is a desirable feature for men and women alike. Facial fillers make your face look more defined! The dermal filler product is typically administered in 2-4 syringes.

Lower face (Under/Around Mouth) Filler



Dermal Fillers can rejuvenate the lower face, fill in fine lines around the mouth, and straighten out the corners of the mouth. Filler treatments are customized to meet the individual needs and desires of each patient.

Smile Line/Nasolabial Fold Augmentation



Smile lines or laughter lines, also known as nasolabial folds, can be softened by adding facial filler to them. Cheek fillers (midface) are often needed to lift and remove the weight from the nasolabial folds.

Hand Filler



Hands are usually among the first parts of the body to show signs of aging. The tops of the hands can be replenished with hand fillers to achieve a youthful look. The hand filler procedure usually takes between one and three syringes.

Temple Augmentation



By using a hyaluronic acid dermal filler, volume loss in the temples can be restored. In most cases, one to four injections are required.

Filler Dissolving



Has the filler job gone wrong? Are you unhappy with the filler you got from another supplier? Our team is ready to help! Let’s schedule an appointment to dissolve it. It may take 1-2 treatments, spaced two weeks apart. The area can be re-treated with filler 2-3 weeks after dissolving.


Dermal fillers are gel substances that are injected into specific areas of the face to enhance fullness and volume and reduce facial lines.

Dermal fillers are the ideal solution if you want to look younger and have wrinkles and fine lines.

After your filler treatment, you should see results immediately. Following the injections, it is time to heal, which includes swelling for approximately 3-7 days, depending on the amount injected, the area injected, and how your body responds to the procedure. After about 2-3 weeks, the product will settle, and you can enjoy the final results. Give yourself at least two weeks before any events or vacations to avoid residual swelling and bruising.

According to the type of dermal filler you are using, and how your body handles it, the duration of your dermal filler will vary. There are dermal fillers that last for up to five years and others that last for six to twelve months.

Some injectable dermal fillers can last up to a year, but most need to be administered every 3 – 6 months.

There will be a difference in recovery times depending on the patient and the type of filler injected. To minimize swelling and bruises following filler injections, you should avoid intense physical activity for 24 to 48 hours.

Beautiful Women | Laguna Hills, CA | B Beautiful Med Spa



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